To preserve the architectural integrity of 29 BELLEVUE AVENUE’s exterior structure.

A non-profit, 501(c) (3) organization that funds our mission via charitable donations.

For assistance or questions, please contact the Foundation office by phone or email.

Setting the tone for a world-renowned avenue

Due to its distinctive double-decker porch and its proximity to the street, 29 Bellevue Avenue has unmistakable impact on the beauty of a world-renowned avenue.

The 29 Bellevue Avenue Foundation enables individuals and foundations to provide meaningful financial support in the form of tax-deductible contributions to defray the costs of specific maintenance and permitted improvement projects which will surely be needed in the decades to come.


The needs and challenges of preserving 29 Bellevue Avenue will continue indefinitely.

A Renewal Project: After 175 years of navigating the demands of Mother Nature, and providing refuge and a rich environment for many generations of notable Newporters to engage in literary and social intercourse, the wonderfully warm and welcoming 1841 Greek Revival-style house, located at 29 Bellevue Avenue, found itself in dire need of some tender loving care.

In 2019, after carefully evaluating and determining the necessary scope of work, the custodians of this architectural lady boldly embarked their constituents on a daunting and costly renewal of the building’s structural foundation, skeletal framework, and the exterior envelope.

Today we are collectively the fortunate beneficiaries of a sound and successfully rehabilitated gem with its distinctive edifice and grounds boasting a much larger footprint, literally and figuratively, than ​its modest beginnings.

Our goal is to raise $1 million by 2030.

The Foundation welcomes ongoing support at any level.

In addition to making gifts to the Foundation in cash in any amount, a donor may wish to consider the following:

· Gifts of Appreciated Marketable Securities

· Qualified IRA Charitable Distribution

· Grants from a Donor Advised Fund or from a Private Foundation

· Include 29 Bellevue Avenue Foundation in a Donor’s Estate Plan

If you would like more information or would prefer to donate by ​wire or ACH transfer, please email

If you prefer to mail a check, please make checks payable to:
29 Bellevue Avenue Foundation, Inc.

Please mail to:
29 Bellevue Avenue
Newport, RI 02840

THANK YOU for your generous support!

We welcome donations of any amount.

Because we are a 501(c) (3) organization, smaller donations are as important to us as larger ones. We encourage you to give whatever amount you feel comfortable with.

​For more information or assistance with making a contribution, please contact the Foundation office by phone or email.

29 Bellevue Avenue
Newport, Rhode Island 02840

Top | Donate | Webmaster

style 1: "close to literal" - mostly linear on desktop

Our Mission

To preserve the architectural integrity of 29 BELLEVUE AVENUE’s exterior structure.

Our Structure

A non-profit, 501(c) (3) organization that funds our mission via charitable donations.

Donate Now

For assistance or questions, please contact the Foundation office by phone or email.

style 2: "literal, linear" - displayed just like on the document provided

Our Mission

To preserve the architectural integrity of 29 BELLEVUE AVENUE’s exterior structure.

Our Structure

A non-profit, 501(c) (3) organization that funds our mission via charitable donations.

style 3 "classic website" - classic modern website look drawing heavily from the original document provided

Home | Our Mission | Our Structure | Donate

style 4 "mixed" - classic modern website look drawing heavily from the original document provided

29 Bellevue Ave Foundation

style 4B "mixed" - classic modern website look drawing heavily from the original document provided

Our Mission

To preserve the architectural integrity of 29 BELLEVUE AVENUE’s exterior structure.

Our Structure

A non-profit, 501(c) (3) organization that funds our mission via charitable donations.

Donate Now

For assistance or questions, please contact the Foundation office by phone or email.

Our Mission

To preserve the architectural integrity of 29 BELLEVUE AVENUE’s exterior structure.

Our Structure

A non-profit, 501(c) (3) organization that funds our mission via charitable donations.

Our Mission

To preserve the architectural integrity of 29 BELLEVUE AVENUE’s exterior structure.

Our Structure

A non-profit, 501(c) (3) organization that funds our mission via charitable donations.

Donate Now

Our Structure

A non-profit, 501(c) (3) organization that funds our mission via charitable donations.

Setting the tone for a world-renowned avenue

Due to its distinctive double-decker porch and its proximity to the street, 29 Bellevue Avenue has unmistakable impact on the beauty of a world-renowned avenue.

The 29 Bellevue Avenue Foundation enables individuals and foundations to provide meaningful financial support in the form of tax-deductible contributions to defray the costs of specific maintenance and permitted improvement projects which will surely be needed in the decades to come.

​For more information or assistance with making a contribution, please contact the Foundation office by phone or email.

29 Bellevue Avenue
Newport, Rhode Island 02840

Top | Donate | Webmaster